Function Reference


Returns the name of the Month, based on the specified month number.

#include <Date.au3>
_DateDayOfWeek ( $iMonthNum [, $iFormat] )



$iMonthNum Month number (1 = January, 12 = December).
$iFormat Optional - Format:
0 = Long name of the Month.
1 = Abbreviated name of the Month.


Return Value

Success: Returns the name of the given Month.
Failure: Returns an empty string.
@Error: 0 = No error.
1 = Invalid month number or format.



This function returns English day names only.





#include <Date.au3>

; Retrieve the long name
$sLongMonthName = _DateToMonth(@MON)

; Retrieve the abbreviated name
$sShortMonthName = _DateToMonth(@MON, 1)

MsgBox(4096, "Month of Year", "The month is: " & $sLongMonthName & " (" & $sShortMonthName & ")")